What If You’re ‘that’ GUY?

So what if you are that person?

You read carefully thinking i hope he doesn’t describe me, and if he does i’ll either have this very “coincidental” desire to send somebody a text/go to the toilet/feel hungry and make a snack/do fucking anything but read on!! However even after all that you’ve still made it here, so who’s “that GUYworried_g“, (better not be me you’re gonna have a dig at motherfucka!!!) fuck this blog, you piece of shit motherfucka!!! RELAXXX, you know what I’m saying, and to be honest you already agree and kinda already know what you’ve got to do.. Yes, if you are that person who (be honest now) has let you dependacy to the drug completely out of control and you’ll know cos you wont be able to function when not on the shit, or you’re the type who puts a tiny bit of weed even in rolling cigarettes.  If you’re still not sure if this is you or not check . Look i’m not hating on you, listen i’ve been like you before once upon a time and I understand that people become addicted to different substanes for many difference reasons. Now i’m guessing if you’re even reading this site, that because you wanna do something about it.

 For the Overaddicted

Ok so you’ve dug yourself an ever expanding hole, and you know it’s bad to the point it almost seems like a rightoff trying to do something about it! You’re WRONG! – Doesn’t matter how bad your problem is, if you got there you can get back meaning that perfect situation of balanced you’ve always imagined, well it’s completely achievable. Realisig that own brains are just like computers, i.e they are programmable and can be programed to carry out good behaviour if you so choice.

Email from a reader….

So this email I read it, and found it inspiring and asked the user if I could publish it.


My name is DAVID (Alias) I would say I’m a naturally driven, motivated person, however when I smoke weed regularly for a while this completely would no longer be the case.  If anything my life then revolved around when the next time I was going to get high, which is a sad thought.  I started smoking weed at 18 but properly at 22, and never really stopped getting high.  I’ve had periods in my life when I haven’t been at home and thus haven’t been able to get hold of stuff as regularly but otherwise I’d been getting high everyday pretty much as early as I can remember.  Having a bunch of friends whom weed is the centre of their lives also doesn’t help at all.  We all know this drug is fine in moderation however when did we all lose that sense and let the urge of “I wanna get high again tonight!!” take over to where it’s completely responsible for alot of the bad things that have happened in all ours lives.  While also being a good thing in certain ways, if I had a choice to go back in time and change whether I was a weed smoker, I probably would.  In my 30s I’ve kinda let myself go, got lazy, I sleep all day and wake up in the late afternoon, I didn’t have a job, haven’t trained in anything for a while, and generally had been a waste of space for my parents whom I’ve had to move back in with.

THey knew I’d had a problem as they see me with red eyes reeking of cannabis all the time, with my mother funding my drug habit for a long time.  She’d alway give me money, and say “please don’t spend it on drugs!!!” NO NO NO!!! i assure her.. that’s the thing when you’re an addict you’re morality adjusts and warps itself to suit any state of mind.  IT’s wrong, I’ve wasted thousands & thousands of pounds on this drug, my parents money!!! and wasted my life on it too… I had so much potential, to achieve so many things, but instead I choice to waste money, smoke up, and DREAM about what could be.  I’d become a dreamer while others around me, whom aren’t particularly brighter than myself hold on good jobs, and have progressed in life buying cars&houses, while I’m left till borrowing my folks bucket which don’t even start properly when they’re not using it. Do i blame my addiction for the way my life has turned out. yes and no.  I’ve done things in my life, also while being high, but I feel by being high it’s stopped from really achieving the top.  It’s just too difficult to actually do stuff on it..

MY lifestyle had become ridiculous, and perhaps I shouldn’t blame the herb for everything perhaps excepting blame for myself, but the drug hasn’t helped me!! As for how others do it, I dunno??? I started reading your blog as it was different from all things i read you really wanted to explore this subject, and you’ve made me think about stuff. I’ve laughed at you exposing smokers with annoying habits, that shit is soo true! Overall though I wanted to write to you cos I appreciate the effort you make to put into this online and let others join in with your journey and have really enjoyed reading your stuff. ! I desired a change in my life, i was fed up of how things have been.. Having been poor, addicted and dependant.  The drug had increased my relationships with people, but at the same time has also destroyed other relationships.  One of my friends owes his life to the drug and I get that, cos he doesn’t appreciate what else he has, or maybe he’s right?? Maybe he is what he is, because of the ganj, maybe the person I am is also a combination of smoking for all these years… but I was yearning for more…Has the world seen my true, power!!

Anyway,  I’m a new man these days….. I wanna tell you that you’re suspicions are correct man! It’s been a while since I’ve smoked some draw, and I won’t lie I do miss being HIGH, but since I quit I’ve moved out into my own apartment cos I’ve got money now!!! I work a day job like everyone else, but I always had these ideas of selling t-shirts and my designs online.  Being a stoner, i’d always think about setting this shit up one day, and I kept putting that day off, but it was totally different when I cleared up my head as I doing things didn’t seem as an uphill climb anymore.  Weed does give you a heavy head, and fucks with your motivation in life.  I’ll admit some of shit i came up with when I was high but I the majority of my designs have been when I haven’t been and I’m not sure about the argument that it makes you more creative – I think you are as creative as you are and no “LIMITLESS” style pill can get you there.

To all my broke ass weed addicted friends since they know I don’t smoke, they actually don’t call me anymore.  I’m still cool with everybody, I don’t preach, hell I know what it’s like but they all seen what I did and always ask me how I did it etc.  I just decided one day that I had to change my lifestyle that’s all it was.  I work out everyday in my local gym, and my relationship with my folks is soo much better now.  This is gonna sound weird but they actually respect me as an adult now, I didn’t realise before that even though I was entering my thirties I was still a kid and that’s why they treated me like one.  Weed isn’t a bad thing, it’s just how it effects you that you gotta question, if you do get your shit done – lucky you… and you’re like the unfortunately most of us,then it’s time to start thinking about stuff.

Mr. HOWIQUITWEED best of luck to you, and thank you…. for everything.




—— WOW what an email.

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