DAY 28 – I say i miss getting high, but do i? what do i miss?


I remember when I was young, having my first experience of smoking weed it was fucking great!! I remember my friend and I doing a couple of lungs in some makeshift bottle-bag/bucket sawn off coke-bottle thing?? coughing our nuts off as we weren’t cigarette smokers..and then waiting for 20-30minutes we’d be pretty messed up, having tunnel vision, experiencing the rushes and joys of listening to music while high, and laughing our ASSES off! Good times, being happy and loving life – and weed was great man, it actually made us get HIGH! So surely that’s the definition of being “high”then, i.e. a drug that makes you happy… so HIGH meaning HAPPY makes sense grammatically!!

…so I ask why doesn’t that happen anymore? Like i’ll get “high” smoke shitloads.. roll L’s,  fat ass blunts pack soo MUCH DAMN WEED into each spliff i’ll get stoned and “HIGH” but I wont necessarily be happy??? Instead i’ll just feel really spaced out… The answer is pretty simple!! 1) I’m smoking SHIT STUFF!!  2) Smoking too much!! to where this isn’t fun anymore having lost it’s novelty looong ago.


That’s the problem, the drug we’re all doing is illegal unless you’re getting it medical in Cali or like my friend Geert in AMSTERDAMN?!! that’s it.. the shit is illegal and isn’t exactly being regulated properly.. So fine we may FEEL we had choice cos after all “I know BARE DEALERS MAN – INIT!!” but given locality the chances are the dealers are picking up from the same supply and that’s where the problem is.   Lack of choice? Also getting good weed isn’t something that any dealers can really promise …Don’t get me wrong they’d all tell you and have you believe  “nah man, i wont buy it if the ganja aint good” but more often than none this is bullshit cos really are they’re just getting it from their regular guy as much as you are from him.  Now the main problem of this business being so rouge and unregulated is on the top level that they can pretty much do anything to the weed, and lets be honest you wouldn’t know about it?


Grit weed is marijuana that has been embedded with tiny bits of glass or silica to add weight. Since pot is most often sold by weight, unscrupulous dope dealers add the glass to bulk up the value of the pot without regard to what inhaling bits of glass can do to smokers’ lungs.

I hate to say it but the chances are if you’ve been living and smoking in around London then you’ve probably smoked some Grit Weed.  The effects are simply put …. crap, it’s weed that appears really crystally probably even has other shit been strayed on it to make it appear potent but is just shit ….this type of bullshit weed makes you feel all spaced out and shit, but more shit than anything else, which shouldn’t surprise anyone after all you’re just smoking glass?!? You gotta remember the recession has hit everyone, and drug dealers don’t have morals, they don’t care that this shit is really gonna fuck people up.. p.s. smoking this shit fucks up your lungs many reports & forums show that it’s commonly concluded <click here to check for the symptoms> like I said drug dealers are practically the same as weapons dealers, they know their products are gonna kill people but they don’t care as long as they make their money!! – which is understood really but this it’s something to think about next time your bud isn’t a good as it should be.


… and there you go that’s the problem for doing anything in excess is never fun cos I remember it was good once upon a time (looong time ago sadly) I used smoke quite sparsely !!  I remember building up anticipation toward the whole experience of us getting some weed and actually doing it and then we wouldn’t touch it for months and months…we were noobs!!  We infact did it so little that during the gaps of not doing it, we’d almost forget what it was like to be high so when it came to us getting high that feeling was wonderful and we enjoyed it and firmly had a great time on the stuff!! THIS DEFINITLY WARRANTED THE LABEL BEING HIGH-HAPPY!!, for that’s what we were….  So all these years so, during my habitual smoking stage I was caining around the clock!! ….  getting high of my balls all the damn time and I can tell you I’d trade in all those occasion for one good smoke where i’d feel good and laugh with my peoples.  Don’t get me wrong I laugh these days too, but that’s got nothing to do with the weed.

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