Why you keep falling off the wagon?

So it’s happened again and you don’t know how or why the hell this did happen after you tried so hard and actually succeeded in giving the weed smoking a break.  Typically you never saw it coming as you smoked weed again and for that duration it was fine, however it was only when this duration kept going and it finally dawned on you, that “hold on, i’ve been smoking a lot recently!” Now one only wants to quit something when they feel that it is harming them or is not right in some way.



This will just always keep coming up as it’s one of the biggest culprits as to why people “fall of the wagon” and find themselves in exactly the same situation they’d worked so hard to break free from.  The likelihood is that your close associates or smoking partners are probably near by and so you may feel the calling to quit but does everybody else around you feel the same?  The unfortunate likelihood is probably not.  So ultimately you’re not just having to stop smoking weed, but also stop hanging out with your circles of friends!! While also in the case of having siblings that may live in the same house or are smoking in close proximity to you it becomes even more harder to achieve this goal.



We looked closer into this in the article IS IT YOU THAT WANTS WEED OR IS IT YOUR ROOM? where activities we do regularly while being high can start the strong cravings to be hight again when we attempt these same activities but sober.  For we sub-conscientiously mentally attribute and associate the feeling of being high with that activity!  This can be very difficult, as if you’ve got used to way of living where you did almost everything high, living your whole life sober can be a challenge as you’ll constantly be reminded of rolling a spliff. These mental assossiation are very strong things and side effects are often experiencing flashbacks, and feeling like you’re high even though you haven’t smoked anything.



When you find yourself in this loop, it can be a tough one to break out of because ultimately you’re in deep denial and your brain reacts to this but justifying and self rationalising your behaviour.  This process doesn’t involve anybody as it’s personal and effectively tries to set your overall opinion to one where you’re not in a severe situation and things aren’t as bad, and you’re life style maybe isn’t perfect but fine.  You perhaps then compare yourself to others less able then yourself and in worser situations to match yourself feel better, and by the end of it you’re smoking way blissfully and that sense of doing a bad thing to yourself is completely gone.  Denial is dangerous almost hypnotic state of mind for whilst it consumes you… you’re blinded to the truth.



It’s hard to admit this one, but if your hearts not really in it then you’ll never succeed as you wont really be trying but moreover telling yourself that you are. This is what I consider as being in the worst or both worlds, as in you’ll always be chastising yourself for when you break your resolve to quit, but ultimately never really letting yourself enjoy.  If you find yourself here, just make a decision!! Do you want to smoke or not ? If you do, then just smoke for as counterintuitive as that may sound, constantly bar-ratting yourself is equally as unhealthy and can lead to depression and could cause the situation to grow out of control.  When you truly decide it’s your time, then that’s only when you should make an effort not before.



So you’ve now quit, it’s been 2 days since you toked on that joint, and it dawns on you that maybe you were just bored when you would smoke and are bored now.  It’s very common, people just filling time smoking weed and putting on YouTube etc, they’re killing time.  Not taking anything away from the effect of the weed itself, but when you’re a regular smoker does the effect really stop from doing anything you normally would have done? Probably not.  If you did use weed to fill time, then the answer is simple you need a new hobby or a better way to fill time.  Your brain may fool you into thinking that there isn’t anything worth doing that compared to smoking, but this is bullshit. When you’ve managed to get weed out of your bloodstream you’ll find your brain will start offering more practical solutions again.



Maybe it’s your lifestyle i.e. how you roll (excuse the pun), and as mentioned above the people you hang with on a regular basis, what you do on a regular basis.  Being honest with you, if all your friends are stoners and all you do is sit around (by yourself or with them) and get high, then if you’re seriously wanting to quit for a while then you’re gonna find it fucking difficult.  Having integrated cannabis so deeply into your life, will mean when you do try and stop the cravings are gonna be coming from all places, as almost everything will remember you that “YOU ARE NOT HIGH” and those fucked up craving message i.e. “YOU MUST GET HIGH” will be coming at you full force.  I recommend to people that are in this boat, do yourself a massive favour!! Time for a change of scenery, or go somewhere where it’ll be really difficult for you to pick up or smoke the weed.  This way at least you’re lessening the visual cues and reminders and it may really help you get over the initial bump of the 1st weeks cravings.  Once you’re past that, things always get easier and easier in the craving depart.


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